On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 04:04:49PM -0400, Andrew Overholt decreed:
> On 21 Jun 2001, W. Paul Mills wrote:
> > > What Steve Cooper mentioned works.  Compile APM support into
> > > you're kernel.  The apm=on in lilo.conf isn't needed... or
> > > at least not here.  I compiled the proper ATM support into
> > > my kernel and now when I do a shutdown -h now, it works.
> I have APM compiled into my kernel (2.4.2 - did it last night) and have
> the append line in lilo.conf (which follows).  Any other suggestions?

If you look at your .config file in the kernel source root directory
there are a few options related to APM.  Edit that file and look for
CONFIG_APM.  You may need to enable one or more of those additional
options, e.g. check out CONFIG_APM_REAL_MODE_POWER_OFF.  It may also
be a peculiarity of your BIOS.  See if there's an available BIOS
upgrade for your motherboard.

If you still have a problem I can check my settings tonight when I'm
at my Debian machine.



                  \_O<  \_O<  \_O<
 Steve Cooper          Redmond, WA

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