Greetings all,

I'm totally new to the list, and I'm not even running Debian yet, but I have an idea that I'd like to bounce off the group:

Consider that one of the major reasons that people don't use any operating system besides windows is because they need to *install* it. Most machines are delivered with Windows already running. Installing a new operating system can be a major hurdle, even for someone with computer experience.

What if installation *and* maintainence could be managed by a single simple program, freeing the novice user from mountains of research, tweaking, and testing?

Imagine a P2P network of Debian users who *all* shared their system configuration information, thus comprising a consensus of proper configuration for various hardware compositions, (e.g. All users with the AsusV7 motherboard and Matrox G400 graphics card would share information to devise the best configuration for that hardware.)

Once a user-base is established from existing Debian users, new users could download this small P2P application. Upon running it for the first time, it would set about making a partition used expressly for Debian, and start downloading the Debian operating system. Once the basics were in place, hardware self-diagnostics would begin, and searches across the P2P network would reveal other users with similar hardware setups. Then, actual configuration would take place automatically. This new user would recieve 'advice' (from other users with identical or similar hardware) about which drivers to download and where to place them. Properly planned, such an application might well automate the installation and maintainence process!

True, while many pieces of hardware may, as of yet, be unsupported by Debian, such a system would be able to report precisely *which* pieces of unsupported hardware were the *most* common amongst it's users, thus providing vital feedback to the Debian developer community about what drivers need to be developed in order to continue the impetus that is Debian.

Security Note: Of course, there will always be anti-social types who would seek to sabotage such a system by developing a rogue version of the P2P application which provides bogus information. This must be circumvented by requiring a *majority* agreement for configuration advice by the P2P network. It seems implausible that such a rogue version could outnumber the authentic article.

I envision Debian becoming an OS that is not only powerful, but also painless and simple, becoming much more than a mere thorn in the paw of the lion that is Windows. I feel very strongly about the free software movement, which is why I'm discussing this here first, not that I'm certain this an original, (or even feasible)idea. I'd like to hear any feedback you might have, be it positive or negative.

Is this:
(a) A bad idea that will never work.
(b) A good idea that probably won't work.
(c) A great idea! Let's get to work!

One last thing: I'm open to suggestions for naming such a P2P client. Something which expresses community support and freedom from technical issues...

Thanks for listening, and my apologies for being so verbose.

Jack Pryne

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