now looking at how i frequently already disagree with the formatting
of config files contained in the packages, or the default settings for
an application, i couldn't possibly imagine running such a distributed

The system I propose would greatly benefit by users such as you, who provide a shining example of a finely tuned system, without allowing the community to alter your machine. Yours would be a 'reference-only' participant, a beacon of sorts. A leader!

Less exeprienced users, those who would rather let the community maintain their system for them, would take a more passive role, referring to you, (in addition to each other,) for information as to how to best configure their system. Believe me, the vast majority of users would rather just let the machine take care of itself, without ever having to worry about missing DLL's, or corrupt registry files. That's the whole idea behind this proposed system.

but that means that such a database contains configs by
novices, which, unless very carefully monitored by experts, could
result in an inferno.

This would not happen if a suitable base of reference were built up (composed of experienced users like you) before the initial launch to the public.

To rephrase, power users like you would be the shepards. Passive users would be the flock. But being a shepard would not involve any more work than you are already doing; it would just entail keeping your system in good working order.

BTW, thanks everyone for all the feedback I'm getting on this idea; it really helps to flesh out the details and clarify the vision. Keep your ideas coming, whether your feedback is positive or negative. I'd like to address both. Thanks again,

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