If you are interested in this sort of thing Hacking Exposed SEcond Edition
is an EXCELLENT read.  I am not a windows guy and I don't know much about
windows security except what I have read in that book.  As far as general
purpose stuff check out nmap.  www.insecure.org.  It is *the* portscanning
utility.  I am not going to bother listing what it can do since there
isn't anything related to portscanning that I can think of that it *can't*

Another great way to try and break in to an NT box would be to check out
known vulnerabilities on securityfocus.com.  They have some mailing lists
that might be helpful as well.

What I would do is to use nmap to identify the NT boxes (or novell if
that's what you are targetting).  Then I would figure out what services
are running.  After that I would search for vulnerabilities.  If your
school is lax about security you should be able to find *plenty* of ways
into the box via IIS.

Good luck and have fun...You are lucky you get to do this, it would be
illegal for others to try!


On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Chris Parker wrote:

> I have a question for the security guru's that hopefully I will get an
> answer for.  The problem is that I have been given an assignment from
> my college's mis head to check their net security from my linux box.
> Where is a good prog for this?  They want to see how easy it is to
> enter their net.  Could someone showe me the way to info on this or
> give a list of progs for this?  They are running a NT server and
> Novell.  Sorry if I'm using this list for hw but this is the first
> place i thought of.  Thanks in advance to any that reply.!

Greg Rowe
Paranoia is a virtue.

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