* Chris Parker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> Student here from a micro$oft school of thought and sick of it.  What
> do I need to read...study to gain the honor of a unix admin.?  Is
> athere any good online classes or tutorials that i should check into? 
> Also what would be a good route to take for a beginner programming? 
> Hopefully the Debian gurus will reply.

Disclaimer: IANADG. 

As someone suggested in the other thread, start with a soldering iron. And
learn discrete math: automata, sets, boolean algebra -- that sort of thing.

Read about microprocessors and try M68HC assembly. Proceed to M68K assembly
(pref. on amiga). Read K&R and start playing with C. Then get a decent book
on OO and try C++/Java/Python. Read about functional programming and learn

Read Tannenbaum, Silbershatz (sp?) and Sobell's Practical Guide. Try shell, 
awk, sed scripts. Read the Camel book and learn Perl.

Also read Stevens and Comer and do some client-server programming. Set up
Sendmail, Bind and Inn on your quadruple-boot home peecee (read everything
you can find on linuxdoc.org).  Proceed to Garfinkel's Practical Guide and 
Zwicky's Firewalls. Get an entry-level helpdesk job at an ISP and work there 
until hospitalized. Alternatively, work there for a few months, walk to the 
nearest asylum and surrender yourself to friendly nursies.

Oh wait, did I mention software engineering? You should read about that 
(don't forget extreme programming and cathedral and bazaar), and also
Aho, and Knuth. A lot of Knuth.

Or you can skip all of those steps and go get your head examined now.

E-mail dmaziuk at bmrb dot wisc dot edu (@work) or at crosswinds dot net (@home)
http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu/descript/gpgkey.dmaziuk.ascii -- GnuPG 1.0.4 public key
Well, lusers are technically human.                      -- Red Drag Diva in asr

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