Craig Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Grab the latest Debian reiserfs boot disks and use them to do the
> > install. Then you'll have reiserfs as your boot partition the _easy_
> > way.
> Possibly dumb question, but I have an existing ext2fs system. Is there
> an easy (or even a not so easy) way of changing it to ReiserFS without
> reinstalling everything? Is there a friendly ext2-to-Reiser conversion
> tool that I can run in single-user mode? Or do I really have to rebuild
> the system from scratch if I want ReiserFS on all partitions?

No dumb questions, only dumb answers!

Here's how I did it:

I took a look at the HD-upgrade HowTo e.g. at 

and followed that procedure *twice* to do the upgrade.

1. Upgrade: I took a clean HD of the same size of my current one and
partitioned it in exactly the same way as my old e2f was, using e2f
filesystem on the new drive. I copied every to the new one as if I
wanted to install the new one instead of the old one. Follow the steps
in the HowTo.

2. Upgrade: now I re-initialized my old drive with reiserfs and
followed again the HowTo procedure to install that (reiserfs)-drive to
my computer. After installing it, the "temporary" drive was not needed

If you have a big hd and use only very few of it, you might even try
to install a copy of the system a second time to temporary boot the
box and install reiserfs on the "original" root and copy everything
back from the temp-location to the new reiserfs-root.

Anything goes, I also recommend to take a look at the
lilo-documentation to get the right system booted.

Tschoe,                    Get my gpg-public-key here

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