Hi all, again:

This is starting to drive me crazy. I decided to give CUPS a spin,
since I haven't been able to get plain text files to print with the
lpd/magicfilter combo. Anyway, before installing CUPS (maybe sooner,
but I have tried to print anything since playing with this yesterday),
I was able to send a file directly to /dev/lp0 and receive output. Now
I can't. What gives? If that worked before, shouldn't that work now?
My parallel port is still being detected at boot, here's the excerpt
from dmesg:

  parport0: PC-style at 0x378 [SPP]
  parport_probe: succeeded
  parport0: Printer, EPSON Stylus COLOR 880
  lp0: using parport0 (polling).

CUPS seems to be receiving print jobs, but I'm getting errors like

  E [02/Jul/2001:19:47:59 -0800] PID 552 stopped with status 1!
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Job 12 queued on 'epson' by 'root'.
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/texttops 
(PID 737) for job 12.
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops 
(PID 738) for job 12.
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster 
(PID 739) for job 12.
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Started filter 
/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoepson (PID 740) for job 12.
  I [02/Jul/2001:20:02:33 -0800] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel 
(PID 741) for job 12.

Sorry for the long lines.

I'm using the plain jane stcolor.ppd, for all this even though I have
an Espon Stylus Color 880. I've played around a little more, and I'm
not getting the error message like on the first line above.

I'm thinking that there's something screwey with my /dev/lp0, now. Any
ideas why I'd suddenly be unable to send files to this device

Thanks a TON in advance.

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