On Mon, Jul 02, 2001 at 01:00:38PM -0500 or thereabouts, techlists wrote:
> ...

> After the update I select to install GDM, to make sure everything is working
> fine.  Once installed and after a reboot, GDM comes up and I see in its
> session menu list, I have the selections for Debian(window maker) and Gnome.
>  I leave Debian(window makes) as default.  So far so good.
> Now, I add kde.debian.net into my sources list, Update, and using Dselect
> add task-kde.  I check and make sure, and it's set to install KDM, and
> remove GDM.  After everything is finished, I reboot.  Now the real problem.
> The sessions list on the KDM only has 2 listings, default and failsafe.
> Default is Window maker.  So what the [EMAIL PROTECTED] happened to Gnome, 
> and why is KDE
> not listed.  If I log into default(window maker), on the menu, under window
> managers, all are listed, and I can change between them.  So, why is it not
> in the KDM sessions list.  I first thought this was just a glitch, but it
> happened on both computers.  I hope someone can help.

What I first did in this situation was to add the sessions i wanted into
/etc/X11/kdm/kdmrc or create an *executable* shell script ~/.xsession.

--- /etc/X11/kdm/kdmrc ---

A better way is to read and understand kdm(1), at least the manpage in
woody is very informative. To set the default wm i think calling
'update-alternatives x-window-manager' or so is the right thing.


Karsten Heymann                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Netzwerkverwaltung              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Forschungsstelle für Ökosystemtechnik        Universität Kiel

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