On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 01:20:13AM -0600, Jeff Conder wrote:
> Has anyone installed potato on a system with a USB keyboard?
> I have a rescue and root disk, but when I'm asked to insert
> the root disk and press return, nothing happens. I put the
> root disk in but can't get the install to continue. It doesn't
> seem to recognize my keboard.
> Thanks - Jeff

I haven't tried a USB-only keyboard with linux, but...

Did you try enabling USB keyboard support in the BIOS?  I'm not sure
what that does, but it may work...

Do you have a USB/pin-6 or whatever adapter for it?  Or does it have
both a USB and pin-6 connections on the same cable?  Mine does, and I
simultaneously plug in both ends so I have normal keyboard support and
can use the built-in USB hub.

Otherwise, you may have to make your own boot disk with USB keyboard
support if there aren't any currently available.

Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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