On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 01:43:37PM -0400, D-Man wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 05, 2001, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > Okay folks  -  I've  started  getting  lots  of  files  in
> > WordPerfect  format ( seems  to be  the  default for  some
> > people  in my  department). Any  advice on  reading  them?
> > StarOffice doesn't seem to be happy with them, and I can't
> > get WP  from Corel to run  on my system (Debian  2.2r3): 
> >
> > hm269-26876:/usr/local/wp/wpbin# ./xwp  
> > ./xwp: can't load library 'libXt.so.6'
> I think there is a statically compiled version somewhere. If
> not search in old packages to  find the old library it needs
> (IIRC WP and Netscape were both linked against old libs such
> as libc5 and old imaging libs).

You need the following from oldlibs:

a)  xlib6  b) libc5  c)  xpm4.7  (and  maybe glibc2.1  if  not
installed, for running programs built with  gnu/ egcs compiler

> | I don't have a  need to alter or even  view the formatting
> | Iof these files,  'd just like to get  the information out
> | Iof them. Any advice?

strings filename.wp8 > textfile

... This should give you all the text that you need along with 
some amount of junk. Good enough for small texts. And if it is
for an overview of material ... then good enough !

> As Faheem  suggested, I  seem to  recall that  AbiWord could
> work with WP, to some extent anyways. Now that I think about
> it a bit more, it may  have needed translation to an old (ie
> 95) Word  format from WP  to read it.  Good to hear  that it
> read MS Word2k files.

Never got abiword to read WP8 format, unless saved as RTF.
Abiword can read M$ .doc format though ...

> <sarcasm>   Gotta   love  those   amazingly   interroperable
> proprietary formats. </sarcasm>
> I've recently  been learning what  a great format  LaTeX is,
> once you know how to achieve the formatting you want.

Unfortunately, most of the lay world is still not convinced !! 
Alas !

> -D


USM Bish

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