Hi all,
I was trying to install debian GNU/Linux on a pc previously been running
rh6.2 & later rh7.1. I backed up my files and deleted old partitions and 
trying to  make fresh installation using the CD (Potato, kernel 2.2.17 
released March 2000) bought from cheapbytes. The problem I ran into is I can't 
seem to find the module for the CD ROM drive during the installation. I could 
however run a shell & make a directory as /mnt/fd0 using
#mount -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom and then *cd* into cdrom and browse directory 
etc of installation CD!!!!!!

And I also checked /lib/2.2.17/modules and there are modules, tho I ain't sure 
they are for the cdrom! The problem I figure is maybe the driver for the cdrom 
(TEAC CD 540-E manufactured Jan200 - I removed the cover and checked..)is 
missing, tho installation CD had a module for TEAC, matsushita etc.. and when 
I tried installing it said installation failed!
Any ideas what's wrong here? Should I go for 2.2r3?

My dmesg is included. Any help/suggestion/pointers would be appreciated.
TIA, raj

"The perplexity of life arises from there being too many interesting things in 
it for us to be properly interested in any of them."
                                      -- G.K. Chesterton, 1909

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