moin moin der.hans!

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001 12:26:25 -0700 (MST) you were able to write:

> Am 08. Jul, 2001 schwäzte Martin Bretschneider so:
> > I've got four Sid-images (from may) and wanted to update some
> > proggies. But there weren't any updates for gpgme (lobgpgme0) that
> > doesn't installed a config-file that is needed to compile my mua with
> > gpg-support.
> > 
> > Nevertheless, now I wanted to install some packages from the cds, but
> > dselect wants to install them from the ftp-server I put in
> > /etc/apt/sources.list:
> Not sure how this will affect dselect, but comment out the ftp sites 
> and do an apt-get update. That will remove the entries for the ftp 
> sites, so the CDs should be used.

Ok, and what should I do if I wanna install from an ftp-server? Put the
entry again there? It's very uncofortable, isn't it?
> Alternative ( and cooler, but I haven't tried it ), use
> /etc/apt/preferences.

It doesn't exist;)

> If you're using apt out of woody or later,

I've sid.

> then you can use /etc/apt/preferences. 


> I don't know what to put to use
> the CDs,  but look at the man page for apt_preferences and I'd think
> Origin is what needs to be used.

But it seems very complicated:(

> For a further alternative if preferences doesn't work out well and this
> is something you run into a lot look at:
> You want the "security, testing and unstable updater for debian". It's
> easy enough to tweak one of those to become apt-cd.

I "downloaded" it but I don't relize what it does:( You should add doku.

> Again, not certain how this would work with dselect, but once you've
> updated appropriately you could use apt-get install packagename or >
apt-cd install packagename.

Hm, I don't have apt-cd only apt-cdrom:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ locate apt-cd

man apt-cdrom says:

       apt-cdrom is used to add a  new  CDROM  to  APTs  list  of
       available sources. apt-cdrom takes care of determining the
       structure of the disc as well as  correcting  for  several
       possible mis-burns and verifying the index files.

       It  is  necessary  to  use apt-cdrom to add CDs to the APT
       system, it cannot be done by hand. Furthermore  each  disk
       in  a multi-cd set must be inserted and scanned separately
       to account for possible mis-burns.

       Unless the -h, or --help option is given one of  the  com­
       mands below must be present.

So I cannot install via apt-cdrom.

How do you all update from diferent sources? I don't know 'cause I'm a
      Where prejudice exists it always discolors our thoughts.
(o_         When in doubt tell the truth.     Mark Twain       (o|
//\  (o_. '    In order to verify the truth use gnupg.    (o<  //\
V_/_ //\c{} _O)   Key-ID: 4EA52583  Regards, Martin   (*_ //\  V_/,

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