"G.LeeJ" wrote:
> huh?..all of a sudden I see I have NO swap file......at least according
> to my gnonme system info menu option......
> I know I have a swap partition......or used to or so I thought one was
> created when I installed progeny?...but according to /proc/partitions
> its only 1 block long....
> thanks
> lee
> -====

Hi lee


 fdisk -l /dev/hda # or hdb or sda, depending on your disks

It should show your current partitioning data as it is written on the
specified HD. The swap partition should be marked as type "swap.
So, if /dev/hda3 is your swap partition, do

 swapon /dev/hda3

If this gives you an error like "/dev/hda3: wrong argument", do

 mkswap /dev/dha3
 swapon /dev/hda3

Congratulations: You now have a running swap partition. To make it
permanent add the line

 /dev/hda3      swap    sw

to /etc/fstab .

If you find out that /dev/hda3 is really only one block of size, you
might have to repartition, or use a swapfile instead of a swap partition
(not good, because less performant, but possible).

 dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap bs=1024 count=16384 # for 16 MB of swap.
     # adjust to how much you need
 mkswap /var/swap 16384
(Please comment the place where to put a swap file!!)


Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

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