On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 02:50:41PM +0200, Krzysztof Mazurczyk wrote:
| It's a bit more clear
| Mutt is OK. If I copied file with post from server to workstation
| Mutt reads post. But if mai is fetched by fetchmail, mutt
| displays only./var/spool/mail/myuser is not a mailbox
| Diff shows that fetchmail deleted first line
| and inserted
| Received: from poczta1.newcomo.net
|       by localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-5.3.3)
|       for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (single drop); ...
| When I edited my mailbox and restored dropped line
| mutt could read my mail.
| Let's summarize: Mutt require From ... as first line which line
| is deleted by fetchmail. Any comments ?

Yes, but mutt isn't the only thing that requires a "From" line (not to
be confused with a "From:" line).  It is part of the mbox
specification.  Perhaps fetchmail or your mda isn't behaving well.
Could you post your .fetchmailrc file; replacing your password with
dummy text, of course.


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