> (snip description of HD troubles)

Up til now sounds like it could be a flaky driver, or HD, or chipset...

> I have not had this problem while under other OS's on the same
> machine.

...but if that's the case it's probably a driver.
> I'm running woody with kernel 2.4.2 built from the kernel source
> package.  The disks are IDE; my main working disk is Maxtor13G, with
> 33 as its peak xfer rate (this is from my memory).  I have a Gigabyte
> GA 71XE4 motherboard, with AMD chips (756 is probably the relevant
> one).  Athlon 800 MHz CPU.
> Is this any kind of a known kernel problem?  Or does it ring any
> bells?  The symptoms make me suspect this is a software problem,
> though perhaps that's being optimistic.

Since you've got an AMD, you might / probably have a VIA chipset, 
which I've heard problems about. I don't have one, so I can't say 
for sure, and you should probably search for more info on it, but 
here's what I can think of:
- if you can get into linux, and have hdparm installed, you can try 
turning off DMA and stuff. this might even be possible with kernel 
options at the LILO prompt.
- find out what IDE chipset you have, and look for it in the 
kernel config, and search too. http://www.google.com/linux is good.
> Thanks.

sure thing. HTH.

Mike McGuire

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