On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 04:30:45PM +0400, Alexey wrote:
> I print ps files with gs (-sDEVICE=stcolor).
> Is there any way to print in "economy" mode?

you might want to check whether the device driver ('stcolor', maybe
also 'uniprint') has a specific option for activating draft/economy
mode. A detailed listing of options is in the docs:

                                       (put your gs-version here)
If there is no such option, you might consider tweaking the printer
init code sequence to include the ESC-sequence that enables economy
mode (you'd have to look that up in the printer's manual).
The init sequence can be overidden (not appended) with the option:


Printing at a lower resolution (e.g. -r180x180) might have a similar
effect as 'economy'. YMMV.


Erdmut Pfeifer
science+computing ag

-- Bugs come in through open windows. Keep Windows shut! --

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