I set up a system-wide fetchmailrc recently to grab mail for both my gf
and myself.  It worked fine for a while, automatically receiving mail
whenever we connected (PPP) and every 450 seconds as I specified.

Then it just stopped.  The process is still running:

hawk3:~$ ps ax | grep fetchmail
29365 ?        S      0:00 fetchmail --daemon 450 --syslog -f
/etc/fetchmailrc -i /var/mail/.fetchmail-UIDL-cache
21157 ttyp1    S      0:00 grep fetchmail

The last couple days in /var/log/mail.log (I don't know if that's the
best place to look, that was just the best thing I could find while
snooping around) are basically multiple lines of:

Jul 13 21:56:10 hurricane fetchmail[29365]: Query status=2 (SOCKET) 

So, any idea what's going on?  The configuration is exactly the same as
it was when it worked just fine; I'm using sid, but I don't recall
getting a new fetchmail version recently.

Thomas J. Hamman
"In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words
without heart."
        -Mahatma Gandhi

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