Disclaimer :  Those without a sense of humor should not read this
message.  It may be dangerous to your health.

| Any information transmitted by means of this email (and any
| of its attachments) is intended exclusively for the addressee
| or addressees and for those authorized by the addressee
| or addressees to read this message. Any use by a party

Ok, so debian-user was the addressee.  debian-user is a public
"entity" that consists of all the world that wishes to participate.

| other than the addressee or addressees is prohibited.
| The information contained in this email (or any of its 
| attachments) may be confidential in nature and fall under a
| pledge of secrecy and the attorney-client privilege.

Hmm,  does this mean that the whole world has attorney-client
privilege with the sender of this message?  If the whole world has
attorney-client privilege, then who are we keeping these
attorney-client secrets from?  Maybe Marvin the Martian is trying to
get sound working on Linux and that would cause the demise of Earth as
we know it <wink>.

[ no offense Guus,  I'm just picking on the legal department ]


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