>>>>> "Joern" == Joern Larsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Joern> I am new to Linux, and have just installed Debian/GNU Linux on
Joern> a Dell Dimension XPS R400. The only problem I am facing, is -
Joern> how to get an Iomega 100MB USB zip drive to work with Debian
Joern> 2.2r3? I have installed the module for USB-storage, but have no
Joern> clue how to go from there.

Make sure your kernel has support for SCSI disks.

You will also need the `hotplug' package.

Once you have that installed, plug the ZIP drive into the USB port.
You can access the disk as /dev/sda . Standard ZIP disks use partition
4, so you should be able to do

mount /dev/sda4 /mnt

Don't forget to umount the disk before removing it or the drive.

Joern> Also - how do I get my computer to accept Mac-files? (I forgot
Joern> to install the module for Macintosh files.)

For Mac text files, you have to convert end of line characters. E.g.,
tr '\r' '\n' <mac-file.txt >unix-file.txt

Other files should be copied as-is.

If you want to mount Mac-formatted ZIP disks, you need a few options
in the kernel. HFS file system, and probably Macintosh partition

G. ``Iggy'' Geens - ICQ: #64109250
WWW: http://users.pandora.be/guy.geens/
`I want quality, not quantity. But I want lots of it!'

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