Frank Zimmermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Leonard Stiles wrote:
> > Frank Zimmermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >>I realized some problemes with "auto" and vfat, namely long
> >>filenames. When I tried the auto/detection it always showed 8.3
> >>filnames.
> >>
> > What is the output of "mount" when this happens?  Have you got
> > vfat support compiled into your kernel, or is it a module?  What
> > about fat and msdos?
> WEll to be honest, that was during my pre-Debian time with a standard
> Suse-Kernel (Suse 6.2/7.0).

When mount tries to mount a partition marked "auto" it first tries to
guess the file-system type by looking at the superblock, or if this
doesn't work (AFAIK in the case of FAT file-systems) it tries one
file-system after another until one works.

It gets the list of available file-systems by looking at
/etc/filesystems, or /proc/filesystems if the first doesn't exist.  It
may be that whichever file was used in your case listed msdos before
vfat (or only msdos).  If so, mount will try msdos first, which will
work for vfat file-systems, albeit only providing 8.3 filename support.

The fix is to make sure vfat appears before msdos in /etc/filesystems.


Leonard Stiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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