thanks for all the inputs !!!

I ended up using the rmtree command...

I needed to execute this in Perl....
because I have a web based emailer written in Perl...
One part of the program will create an upload directory for the
user ... however... I couldn't get a quota on it.... so I just delete
the directory and re-create it when they log in.....  thus....
they can't upload a million files and take up hard disk space...
(well, I suppose they could for one session...)
Anyway... I'm really new to Perl.... and I'm guessing that
I can't run shell commands within a perl script...


The following message was sent by Hamma Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 18 
Jul 2001 04:41:29 -0700 (PDT).

> Mike's Question:
> I want to delete a directory that will have files in 
> it...I don't know the name of the files.... there for 
> wildcards might be needed....
> I understand that "rmdir" will wipe out an empty 
> directory....and "unlink" will wipe out files (only if
> I know the names of the files)
> What would be a nice command to remove a dirtory that 
> had files in it? Even better.... what would be a nice 
> command to delete all files in one directory... 
> (leaving the directory intact)
> -------------------------------------------------------From
> Lamer:
> Simply Speaking, This would have been done better with
> these shell commands:
> # cd /directory
> # rm -rf *
> # cd ..;
> -------------------------------------------------------
> >From Joost:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use File::Path;
> rmtree("some/dir", 0, 1);
> =pod
> man File::Path
> =cut
> -------------------------------------------------------From
> Craig:
> to remove a dirtory that had files in it:
>    - rm -rf directory
> to delete all files in one directory
> (leaving the directory intact)
>    - rm -rf directory/*
> to delete everything in a directory, including
> subdirectories
>    - find . -type f | xargs rm -f
> to delete all files in a directory or its
> subdirectories, 
> but keep the directory structure intact.
> Perl isn't required.
> -------------------------------------------------------From
> Bud:
> >Even better.... what would be a nice command to 
>  delete all filesin one directory... (leaving the 
>  directory intact)
> #! /usr/bin/perl -w
> $dir = "/path/to/dir";
> opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "can't opendir $dir: $!";
> while ( defined ($file = readdir DIR) ) {
>     next if $file =~ /^\.\.?$/;     # skip . and ..
>     unlink $file;
> }
> Quick and dirty, but I think it will delete all files 
> in one directory. Won't handle subdirs.  Then you 
> could probably just
> close(DIR);
> rmdir $dir;
> to get rid of the directory.
> -------------------------------------------------------
> >From Larry Wall:
> "There's more than one way to do things"
> A fine example of life imitating art ;-)
> Scott Hamma
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