I have the same card.

Probably your problem is that it's in plug and play mode, and since it's
an ISA card that is suckland for Linux.

You need a package called isapnp (apt-get install isapnp), which might
already be there.  Then you need to dump the output of pnpdump --config
into /etc/isapnp.conf (as root).  Then you should be set recognizing the
card (IF isa plug and play is enabled in your kernel...which it should
be.  If not, check modconf / recompile kernel with isapnp support).  Try
isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf.  It should recognize some crap and your sound
card, and tell you your settings (dma, dma16, io, irq)  Write down those
4 things, then go into modconf.  The module you want is "sb" in with all
the other cards (It'll automagically get sound-core and all that other
crap).  For parameters, pass it all those 4 things ("io=0x220 dma=1
dma16=5 irq=5" for example).

Now it should be recognizable, BUT probably only to root.  Anyone whom
you wish to make able to use the card needs to be added to the "audio"

OR, you could use ALSA, but I don't know how.  :)

--adam b.

BTW, you don't strictly have to have the kernel call isapnp; it's just a
lot cleaner.  You can also use preloads in your system init scripts, and
you can find how to do this on the net.  I didn't need to...I just added
isapnp.conf to /etc and everything worked after I installed the sb

-----Original Message-----
Markus Hansen
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 9:05 AM
To: Debian Mailinglist
Subject: Soundblaster 16

I have got a Debian gnu/linux 2.2 potato on my PC.
My problem is the soundcard while using KDE2.
I have a Creative Soundblaster sb16
I am not able to get the card working.
As I am a real linux-greenhorn I do not know how to do nearly anything,
but you all know the start is the hardest... If you could send me a list
of the things I have to do I would be very glad.

Thank you very much.
Yours Markus Hansen.

German Version:

Hi ich habe ein Debian gnu/linux 2.2 potato installiert.
Mein problem ist momentan der sound.
Ich habe eine Creative Soundblaster sb16.
Ich habe KDE2 und weiss nicht wie ich die karte zum laufen kriege. Es
waere sehr nett von Euch, wenn ihr mir eine art Anleitung oder so
schreiben koenntet. Ich bin der (fast) totale Linux Anfaenger und somit
bitzte ich Euch um Nachsicht.

Vielen dank im voraus
Euer Markus Hansen

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