Quoting Noah Meyerhans on Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 12:15:39PM -0400:
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 07:17:11AM -0400, Todd V . Rovito wrote:
> > I have procmail set up to filter my mail into folders for the list
> > servers I belong to.  Some days I just don't have the time to read
> > the mail in that particular folder (or list server), I would like to
> > be able to perform a mass delete in that folder. What keys can I use
> > in mutt to delete all the messages out of a folder?
> What I often find more useful is to delete all message older than a
> certain number of days.  In the case of debian-user, I will periodically
> delete message older than 10 days old.  I do this by tagging messages
> matching "~d>10d".  Then I can delete all tagged messages.
> noah
> -- 
>  _______________________________________________________
> | Web: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/
> | PGP Public Key: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/mail.html 

You can have your .muttrc set up to automatically do this.  I have my debian
mailing list messages delete after a period of time by adding the following
to my .muttrc file.  I also have read debian list messages move after I read
them...  This only means I have to manually enter the old folder for mutt to
manage the deletions for me.

Here is a snippet of the relevant section:

mbox-hook =spam /home/mperry/oldmail/spamread
mbox-hook =debianstuff /home/mperry/oldmail/debianread

The mbox-hook moves the read mail to another folder.

folder-hook /home/mperry/mail/spam 'push D~r>10d!~F\n'
folder-hook /home/mperry/oldmail/debianread 'push D~r>30d!~F\n'

The folder-hook deletes messages older than 30 days.

Michael Perry

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