On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Matheson Cameron wrote:

> Hey,
> I'm kind of in a fix at work here.  I installed debian
> at home, and i brought the machine in here at work,
> but i can't connect to any ftp sites.  I've configured
> everything for the LAN at work, but not everything's
> happy, here's what works:
> -ping (myself, the lan, and anything on the internet)
> -telnet (myself, the lan, not internet)
> -ftp (myself, the lan, not internet)
> When I do try to open a connection to ftp.debian.org
> or ftp.gnome.org it instantly says 'Connection
> refused'.  But it's not even going out over the
> internet (i don't think, it seems to just die).  My
> other debian box is working very happily, but i can't
> seem to figure out what's wrong

perhaps you have forgotten to set the gateway?
# route add default gw


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