--- "Rogelio E. Castillo Haro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote: > hi!
> I just upgrade my debian potato to r3 and my sound
> isn't working!
> When I try to hear some mp3 file with xmms, at
> console I receive:
> /dev/dsp : no such file.
> But it is there!!!

I suspect the permision of the file


chmod 666 /dev/dsp

Then you may try to compile as a module

> This is my ls -l /dev/dsp* output:
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            9 Jun 19
> 14:58 /dev/dsp -> /dev/dsp0
> crwxrwxr-x    1 root     audio     14,   3 Jun 19
> 14:57 /dev/dsp0
> crwxrwxr-x    1 root     audio     14,  19 Jun 19
> 14:57 /dev/dsp1
> crwxrwxr-x    1 root     audio     14,  35 Jun 19
> 14:57 /dev/dsp2
> crwxrwxr-x    1 root     audio     14,  51 Jun 19
> 14:57 /dev/dsp3
> I made another test with a .au file:
>  cat
> /var/downloads/everybuddy-0.2.1beta6/sounds/Send.au
> > /dev/dsp
> and
>  cat
> /var/downloads/everybuddy-0.2.1beta6/sounds/Send.au
> > /dev/dsp0
> but with both I obteined the next result:
> bash: /dev/dsp0: No such device
> Someone can helpme?
> Ah! my sound card is OPL3 ISA, and I recompile the
> kernel with native support
> for this, not module way.
> Thanks.
> --
> Ing. Rogelio E. Castillo Haro
> Redes y Telecomunicaciones
> -- 
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