also sprach "Fischer, Björn" (on Fri, 20 Jul 2001 12:58:15PM +0200):
> But there's a Proble, that I wasnt able to solve yet: I have a NE2000
> compatible ethernet device (ISA). The german Debian GNU/Linux Handbook
> ( said I would only have to load the
> Kernel-Module ne2k, supply it with the correct IO-Port and maybe a correct
> IRQ and it should work. But the problem is that modprobe can't find the
> module ne2k, only ne2k-pci is there. Does someone of you know an alternative
> to ne2k or can tell me where I can find the ne2k module?

just the module is called "ne".
please provide us with an exact page reference so we can write a bug
report (or do it yourself).

> Another question: are modules stored in different .debs than the kernel or
> are they always packed together?

for debian, a kernel-image-*.deb file always includes the modules.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
windoze nt crashed.
i am the blue screen of death.
no one hears your screams.

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