>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Fedyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Campbell wrote:

Paul> hard drive partitions

Paul> hda1 root 50meg
Paul> hda2 swap 100meg
Paul> hda3 usr 2 gig
Paul> hda5 home 2 gig
Paul> hda6 fat32 storage for transferred win docs etc

Mike> Do this, but make sure you don't reboot before this has
Mike> completed.

Mike> mv /var /vr
Mike> mv /vr /usr/var

The last command won't work: mv cannot move directories across
partitions. Replace it with this:
mkdir /usr/var
(cd /vr && tar cf - .) | (cd /usr/var && tar xf -)
rm -rf /vr

Mike> ln -s /usr/var /var

Do this in single user mode (as suggested in another post).

G. ``Iggy'' Geens - ICQ: #64109250
WWW: http://users.pandora.be/guy.geens/
`I want quality, not quantity. But I want lots of it!'

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