So I'm interested in setting up a small LAN, basically.

    What I would like to do is have one box, running Debian, which has a
constant routable IP (via cable or some other sort-of high speed protocol)
and a normal domain name.  This will act as a mail server, samba server, FTP
server, and internet sharing gateway for like four or five machines sitting
behind it (and also make info on it available to the owners of these
machines while they are wandering the world via IMAP).

    So my question is this:

    What kind of hardware, and in what configuration, would be best to throw
at this problem?  What I'm assuming is that I'll need an interface for the
modem, an interface going into a hub, and interfaces for all the clients.
Is there a better way to do this?

    Also, what salient packages will be needed?  Here's my list so far:
dhcpd, imapd (courier or uw?), proftpd, fingerd, exim, bind.  I know there
must be things missing!  :)

    Finally, is there a nice, easy (secure!) web interface for an IMAP store
that can be dropped in easily?

    Whew...lots of questions.  Feel free to point me to a HOW-TO or
something...this seems like the sort of thing that is probably documented
somewhere.  I read the DNS HOW-TO and it almost answered some of my

--adam b.

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