On 23 Jul 2001, hzi wrote:
> Hello-
>       I'm having problems installing my Zip. I have it set-up through a 
> parallel port, and together with a printer, in the customary set-up.
>       I've already configured the /etc/fstab with


Before you go ahead with this installation, you might like to consider
whether you really want your printer connected to the Zip via the
parallel port. I had mine like this and at first all seemed to be well,
but gradually more and more errors kept occurring when reading and
writing to the disks. I therefore wrote a script to fsck the disk after
each copy (I only used the Zip for backups). Eventually, I started
getting the dreaded "click of death". I therefore phoned Iomega to ask
for an out-of-warranty replaclement. 

Iomega said that the problem was probably because I had the printer
connected to the output port on the Zip. I said this was supposed to
work, otherwise why was it there? Yes, they said, it is supposed to work
but it isn't very reliable. They said to try the drive without the
printer and see; if it still didn't work they would replace it.

Well, I tried it without the printer and it does work without problems,
so the explanation seems to be correct. However, this makes the Zip more
or less useless for my purpose, and maybe for yours too.

My solution has been to install a second HDD and back up to that.


Anthony Campbell - running Gnu/Debian Linux (Windows-free zone).
For electronic books (Homeomythology and The Assassins of Alamut), skeptical 
essays, and over 130 book reviews, go to http://www.acampbell.org.uk/

Most that is said, most that is written, will be dust within ten years;
most of our efforts are the drums and tramplings of a nursery; I do not
like nurseries that never laugh.                [F.L. Lucas]

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