Ilya Martynov wrote:
> >> > Here's one for some of the perl guys....
> >> >
> >> > I want to delete a directory that will have files in it...
> >> > I don't know the name of the files.... there for wildcards might
> >> > be needed....
> >> >
> >> > I understand that "rmdir" will wipe out an empty directory....
> >> > and "unlink" will wipe out files (only if I know the names of the files)
> >> >
> >> > What would be a nice command to remove a dirtory that had files in it?
> >> > Even better.... what would be a nice command to delete all files
> >> > in one directory... (leaving the directory intact)
> Do not reinvent wheel :). Use standart Perl modules.
>     use File::Path;
>     rmtree([$dir]);
> See File::Path docs for more info.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what the OP *didn't* want to do
(taken from File::Path doc):
 "All of the files and directories
below each root, as well as the roots themselves,
will be deleted."

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