on Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 04:41:21AM -0000, john smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hi,
> I was just wondering...I don't know if this topic is for this list
> but...is there a book or link somewhere that gives easier examples of
> how to do the correct syntax for "man" something. 

I find that the O'Reilly "Nutshell" series, _Linux in a Nutshell_ in
particular, fills this niche nicely.  The treatment isn't a raw dump of
man pages, but rather digests much of the information, while *expanding*
the treatment given to examples, particularly to _useful_ examples.

> This probably won't be any problems to you unix gurus out there but if
> I wanted to do something and I do a "man" something, I get arcane (at
> least for me) explanations of how to use different options/parameters
> of that something but not giving me a simple example on how to do the
> command with the options I want correctly and I'd spend a lot of time
> figuring out the correct syntax instead of spending time with
> something else. 

There is an art to reading man pages.  Usually:

  - Name:  one line description of command.
  - Synopsis:  summary of arguments for command.
  - Description:  more detailed description of command.
  - Options:  more detailed description of options and arguments.
  - Files:  files related to command (support, reference, configuration,
  - See Also:  related commands or manual pages.
  - Bugs:  unusual behavior.
  - Author:  See also:  blame ;-)

There isn't, unfortunately, a standard "Examples" section.  There should

> It would certainly be nice for the "man" pages to include a simple
> example of a  correct command's syntax and how to add options etc..
> along with the lengthy explanation of all of the available commands
> options. might not be useful to you gurus out there but it certainly
> will help newbies to make the learning curve a little easier?

It certainly would be helpful to see examples with *typical* or *useful*
(but infrequently used) incantations of a command specified.  I find I
frequently need to refer to documentation for proper use of tar, cpio,
afio, time (particularly when setting system time), bash, wget, rsync,
nmap, and other commands, many of which I do use frequently.  And I'm
not a newcomer to either GNU/Linux or Unix.  I don't think it's
necessary (or useful) to give examples for *all* possible combinations
of options, in part as the list would almost certainly get too long and
be of limited utility.  But a good 2-6 examples would almost certainly
be helpful.

There's also the issue that there are now several sources for
documentation under GNU/Linux.  Some, such as Info, are IMO misguided
attempts to replace the fundamental utility of the man pages (which
actually *are* meant to be a system manual, and in fact replaced the
printed manual of early Unix systems).  Others fill different niches and
are themselves useful:

  - man pages:          basic command reference.  Synopsis, arguments,
                        basic examples, related topics.

  - info pages:         advanced command and/or feature reference.
                        Better for describing complex systems such as
                        emacs, gcc, etc., many of which, for some odd
                        reason, appear to originate from FSF.

  - HOWTOS:             task-oriented references.  Formally organized by
                        the LDP (GNU/Linux Documentation Project), these
                        typically describe how to accomplish some
                        particular task (configuring your bash prompt,
                        installing a bootloader, printing, software
                        RAID, etc.).

  - Guides:             The classics are the NAG and SAG:  _Network
                        Administrator's Guide_ and _System
                        Administrator's Guide_, which address the
                        comprehensive issues of network and system
                        administration, respectively.

  - Debian docs:        Of uneven quality, some are golden.  The Debian
                        Policy manual should be required reading.  I
                        should re-read it myself.  Poke around the docs
                        section of debian.org sometime.

  - Others:             Books are quite useful.  I'd recommend a good
                        system admin book (Nemeth, Frisch), _Running
                        Linux_ if you're just getting started, and the
                        aforementioned "Nutshell" book.  _UNIX Power
                        Tools_ is a good cookbook of basic tasks.
                        Specific references for areas of interest --  DNS,
                        programming, mailers, etc. -- are also useful.
                        Don't discount the value of websites, project
                        pages, other online documentation, and support
                        lists and newsgroups.

My suggestion would be to notice when you run across a man page that's
noticeably lacking in examples, possible gin up a few yourself, and
submit same as a bug against the appropriate package.  Debian *has* been
making a concerted effort to improve the quality of manpages and is
ahead of most other GNU/Linux distros in this regard.  Or you could poke
around a *BSD system -- they tend to have well crafted manpages.


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?       There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/         http://www.kuro5hin.org
   Are these opinions my employer's?  Hah!  I don't believe them myself!

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