
I have been away from Linux and Debian for a while. I am now running a
'Woody' system.

I have an Epson USB printer attached which I would like to use.

I have read the documents I can find on USB in general and USB printers
in particular.

Kernel (2.2.19pre17) is compiled with USB and USB printer support as
modules. I have created /dev/USB/lp0.

In /proc/bus/usb/devices I can find both the USB hub and the printer.

Using lpinfo (from cups) the USB printer is not found I so do not seem
to be able to go further.

I may have missed something simple so any pointers would be appreciated.

( Apologies for posting from the other OS but have not got the mail
system set up for the mailing list yet)



Roland Hinkley

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