Joerg Johannes wrote:

> I just ran apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, just to see that locales
> are going to be removed. Why? because it depends on glibc, and glibc is
> not available. Hmm, I always thought that glibc is a rather important
> lib, on ehich most c-programs are based. So, what is wrong? Is glibc not
> needed any more? And if yes, I won't be able to use locales any more,
> and so apt won't never talk german to me any more :-( ?

I suggest you place locales and libc6 on "hold" for a few days. My guess
is that they're just out of sync. First locales was updated, but not libc6;
now libc6 has been updated, and locales has been updated _again_, so
they're still out of sync. With any luck, this will all get straightened
out tomorrow...


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