On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 05:25:16PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
| on Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 03:51:14PM -0700, Jaimos F. Skriletz ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]) wrote:
| > (I didn't want to wait for the CD or purchase one since I have no cash
| > to spare) 
| False economies at best.  You can purchase the 3-disk set from a number
| of sources, I picked up a set from LinuxCentral
| (http://www.linuxcentral.com/), cost is about $9, postage included,
| delivery within a few days.  This would be the time it took you to
| browse through the FAQs.  Strongly recommended, particularly if you
| don't have a high-bandwidth connection.
| > to begin this project, but little to my knowledge, I have spent the
| > last three days reading though your FAQ's, readme files, etc trying to
| > figure out how to get the image which should be a simple afair, yet
| > failing miserabbaly and I have the following comments/complaints I
| > hope you will at least consider about your system.
| The docs could be better organized.  However, this list is populated
| with folks who've been through most of the pains themselves, strongly
| recommended you ask first.  We're usually pretty helpful, or so I hear.

Yeah, just look at all the responses you've gotten already (and no
flames :-)).

| > First I will like to say that your meathod is intivative and I
| > understand your issues of wanting to save banwith, also after thinking
| > about your meathod of using the .list file to direct what pacakages
| > will be installed on the machince, I see that for a knowledgable
| > Debian user it could be advantage to spelizise that list to get the
| > maximum performace out of your operating system which is the final
| > goal of most devout users in my opion, but now on to my problems
| Huh?
| > My complaints are as follows, first off, the process of getting the
| > pseudo-image and onward is not 'straight-forward' or 'easy' but I'm up
| > for the challange so I read though the files and followed the
| > directions to the T, and yet it still didn't work.  
| I've heard from several users, of varying levels of experience,
| including seasoned GNU/Linux experts, who've utterly failed to negotiate
| the pseudo-image install.  I'd strongly discourage it based on this.
| Anyone with other input please step forward.

I made my (potato) cds at work (not a bad connection, though
RoadRunner doesn't compare to T3) on a Win2k (or was it NT at the
time?) box.  I use cygwin a lot on it.  I found the instructions a bit
confusing at first, but I managed to get it to work.  I went through
the psuedo-image process for about 1.5 of the cds, then I just went
directly with rsync.  The thing they "forget" to tell you in the docs
is that you can use rsync even if one of the files doesn't exist.
(Hint : get the rsync path for the ISOs from the end of the
instructions and just use 'rsync <path>')  It is sort of cheating,
from the "conserve bandwidth" perspective but it works.  

BTW, I had already used RH (6.1 and 7.0) for about a year and had
installed Debian via network (T3) before I moved home.  At work, on
windows, I use cygwin for nearly everything.  After that I
had to wipe my disk to check it for errors (long story, its in the
archives around March) so I needed to get cds to re-install (I wasn't
about to try a network install over a dial-up modem connection,
especially when I didn't even know how to configure the modem at the

It would be nice if someone provided a simple mechanism for non-Unix
gurus to obtain ISOs, but since I don't have a decent connection I
can't provide it.


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