
> Based on my experience mentioned above, wouldn't it be better to delete
> the current eth0 gw FIRST, then add in the other stuff??  In fact, it
> would probably be better to delete the existing gw when pppd is
> called...if you can figure out a way to do that.

I did try deleting the default gateway first, but it doesn't seem to matter.

> careful how you name your scripts.  The scripts are run in cannonical
> sequence and you would want this script to be run first, or at least

I think this might be the key.  I named mine 'set_ppp0_gw', so it
runs last in the sequence.  This probably accounts for the 1 minute
delay while it does other stuff.

I still don't know why pppd isn't setting the default gateway itself,
like it used to, and like the man page says 'defaultroute' should


Christopher S. Swingley         930 Koyukuk Drive
System / Network Manager        University of Alaska Fairbanks
IARC -- Frontier Program        Fairbanks, AK 99775

phone: 907-474-2689             fax: 907-474-2643
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    GNUPG and PGP2 keys at my web site

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