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On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 08:33:49PM -0700, Brad Pillatsch wrote:
> Here's the problem I am having.  This occurs on all the flavors of
> the latest stable release root disks.  Basically when the root disk
> loads up into the install menus, specifically the first release notes
> window and the driver setup window, if I scroll down with the keyboard
> the system will show a black line in the middle of the window and then
> *hang* the system up to dry.  I booted off floppies, I booted off a FAT32
> disk with loadlin, and even ran memtest82 to see if I had memory probs.
> I bumped my clock back down to spec(celeron 300a) none of which seems
> to be working.  I have installed debian in the past so I am assuming
> its an issue with the latest release.

That is strange.  Is it completely hung up in the kernel or is the
installer deadlocked?  Can you still switch consoles with leftalt-f1,
-f2, etc.?



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