At 996643163s since epoch (07/31/01 14:49:23 -0400 UTC), harsha wrote:
>   i tried you suggestion. But all i was a lot of control charc and not much 
> of text as it should have been. Looks it is encrypted. In such a case how 
> would you edit it and fill up the forms?

Odds are, it's not encrypted but compressed.  PDFs are allowed to be
(g)zip or (de)flate compressed (others as well, but those are the two
I know for sure).  It's not really worth getting into all the messy
details here, but let's just say that it's probably not worth trying
to decompress the PDF out just so you can edit it with a text editor.


Jason Healy    |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LogN Systems   |

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