I'm using Debian, so I'm posting this here...help if you can.

Under certain circumstances, Webmin GREATLY slows down on my system.

The magic recipe:  Webmin + Squid proxy + any dstdomain acl's = SLOW
Webmin - Squid proxy + any dstdomain acl's = FAST
Webmin + Squid proxy - any dstdomain acl's = FAST

Opening Webmin with my browser set to use the SQUID proxy WITH any acl's
using "dstdomain" causes webmin to load very slowly.

Two things speed it back up.  Either I bypass Squid and leave the dstdomain
acls in the squid.conf file or, I keep using Squid but take all references
to dstdomain acl's out of the squid.conf file.

It appears to be an issue with Webmin not being able to resolve hostnames
into addresses when going through Squid (I'm guessing here).
Can anyone help me fix this?

Thank you,
Lance Peterson

Lance Peterson
(817) 289-2800 x1142 - voicemail/fax

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