Package tct may be a good place to start:  The Coroner's Toolkit by Wietse
Venema has quite a few tools that may be used to recreate data if you know
what you're doing.  The only problem is it's in unstable/testing, so you
may have to either jump to testing or wait it out until Woody's over
freeze (prolly christmastime-ish).

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, JNF Stoffels wrote:

>hi there
>how u guys doin'?
>well I hope.
>i've just recently acquired a copy of debian 2.2 r3 and was wondering whether 
>or not i can use it to start an inedxpensive data recovery business.
>i live in south africa , and being one of the previously disadvantaged it's 
>still hard to find work.
>that i swhy i would like to start something that is fairly uncommon around 
>if you could point me to some open source software or even some documentation 
>so that i can understand how such software is supposed to work and write it 
>(it would be opensource of course) , i would greatly appreciated.
>cronus (unemployed self starter)

Sacred cows make the best burgers

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!!!

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