Quoting Christopher S. Swingley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> OK, I'm going crazy here trying to get iptables to log packets to a
> file called /var/log/kern.info.


> What am I missing?  And what is the right procedure to clear a log
> without causing sysklogd / klogd to choke?

I spent another hour trying to get this to work.  Here's what did work:

    * stop sysklogd and klogd
    * delete the log file
    * start sysklogd and klogd
    * stop sysklogd and klogd
    * chown root:adm, chmod 640 log file
    * start sysklogd and klogd

I'm not sure which of these steps are strictly necessary, but I
finally have it working now. . .

Christopher S. Swingley         930 Koyukuk Drive
System / Network Manager        University of Alaska Fairbanks
IARC -- Frontier Program        Fairbanks, AK 99775

phone: 907-474-2689             fax: 907-474-2643
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    GNUPG and PGP2 keys at my web site
  web: http://www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu/~cswingle

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