On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 09:26:42PM +0200, Guy Geens wrote:
> >>>>> "Bill" == Bill Vinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Bill> I am having problems with dhcpd and pump. I run dhcpd on another
> Bill> system to manage my home net's IPs, but I can't get the
> Bill> domainsearch list to be populated in /etc/resolv.conf. When I
> Bill> obtain a lease with pump, it changes /etc/resolv.conf to include
> Bill> my DNS servers, but it also blanks out the search line "search
> Add the following to /etc/dhcpd.conf:
> option domain-name "<your domain>";

Have you tried this? It doesn't work on my home network. I'm using:

dhcp           2.0pl4-2

The clients get an IP address and nameserver entries in
/etc/resolv.conf but the search line there has no domain entry.

Ron Golan

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