
I'm wondering how I might go about getting a 2.4 kernel right up front
when I'm installing a woody system.  I need it for the network driver
it provides that doesn't work with 2.2.  Is there a way to tweak the
CD somehow (debian-cd is how I make woody boot CD's) so it would load
a 2.4 kernel instead?  I could just build a custom kernel that would
support most of my hardware so I wouldn't need to worry about drivers.

Any thoughts?


Christopher S. Swingley         930 Koyukuk Drive
System / Network Manager        University of Alaska Fairbanks
IARC -- Frontier Program        Fairbanks, AK 99775

phone: 907-474-2689             fax: 907-474-2643
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    GNUPG and PGP2 keys at my web site
  web: http://www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu/~cswingle

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