On Thursday 02 August 2001 12:05 pm, Newton, Harry wrote:
> I am running a Debian 2.2, and have just upgraded/updated the system using
> apt-get and this /etc/apt/sources.list:
> deb ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
> deb ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian stable/non-US main contrib non-free
> What I should like to do is put a few TESTING packages on this system (
> specifically Tomcat and its dependencies ).
> I've been told that I should make a new sources.list, with 'stable' changed
> to 'testing', and then run:
>       apt-get update
>       apt-get install tomcat
> and _then_, restore my original sources.list. Is there anything I should
> know about doing this ?
> However, I believe that there's a better way, using apt-get 0.5. How would
> I do this, and how would I get apt-get 0.5, which is in TESTING ?
> Many thanks in advance, Harry

I have a similar, but reversed problem.  I have one package that I do NOT want
to upgrade.  It happens to be LILO, and it is currently broken when used on
laptops with SystemSoft BIOS.  I want all packages except LILO from woody
but I want LILO to stop at potato.  Is there a way of telling apt and friends
to do this?  If not I suppose I will have to get the source and submit a 

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