I have been trying to get a useful Debian unstallation up for about 5 weeks now.  I can get the base system installed but then where do I look for new packages (the iso image contains next to nothing from what I can tell)?  I don't know what to set in the /etc/apt/sources.list file.  I probably have missed something in some of the documents but the dselect-beginners guide doesn't tell you much of anything.  I'm looking to find xfree86-4.0.*, kde-2.2 and Mozilla or netscape.  I guess I could build the whole system from source but I figure there has to be a way or all the debian developers are just wasting their time.
When I state in the sources.list file that apt can look in the unstable tree it seems to automatically tell itself to remove a whole bunch of packages.  I'm really getting bitter.  I know I could just go to Redhat and grab that and install it but this is a labour of love.  I see the power of apt and dselect I just don't know how to harness it.  Maybe I'm just supposed to grab single debs off the net, I don't know.
Any help or direction (maybe there is a better dselect guide) would be much appreciated.

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