On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 12:06:46PM +0100, Ade Talabi wrote:
> Alvin Oga,
> How do you turn on ip forwarding on machin A, which is a WIN 98SE box

I *think* Win98 can actually do that (95 can't, IIRC), but I don't 
know how. I'd ask why you'd want to do that instead of using the 
Linux box to do the forwarding. :)  (It was easy enough for me, 
but someone in another thread had the obvious and annoying problem 
of Win-only drivers. If that's the case, well... sorry, man. ;)

On a related note, according to the subject at least, is there a 
way to do a minimal / fake DNS without installing BIND? ie: gets 
a DNS request, if it doesn't know it passes it on to a real (ISP's) 
DNS and caches the result. hm. I think I remember hearing the term 
"caching DNS", is that what I'm thinking of?

Mike McGuire

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