On 06 Aug 2001, Jeff Beardsley wrote:
> Hello,
> I am hoping you can help me with what (I hope) will be an easy question -
> I've seen similar questions out in the newsgroups, but with no answers...
> I am attempting to setup DOSEMU (v1.0.2) on a RedHat 7.0 system.  The
> problem simply put: I cannot access the serial ports from within the DOS
> session.  As I understand it, this should be a simple thing to set up.  I
> have tried two different paths to reach the modem on COM1, with varying
> results:
> PATH 1:
> The docs imply that I should be able to access the modem without direct
> hardware access (virtual mode), which is what I would prefer.  I have set
> _com1="/dev/ttyS0", and have set _secure="0", but I cannot seem to access
> the ports at all. (Is there something I need to run INSIDE of the dos
> session to enable them)?
> PATH 2:
> The other route I've tried is setuid root.  The machine is not
> net-connected, so there's no security problem.  I've setup the dosemu binary
> for suid root, but I get the following message:
>      You (or your distributor) made the dosemu binary suid-root.
>      The local configuration within this DOSEMU installation is
>      not intended for secure operation.  You need to run this
>      non-suid-root as normal unprivileged user.
> What changes might I make to my installation to allow it to run as suid
> root?  I've found nothing obvious in the docs, only mention about running
> that way: "when running as suid root ...".
> This is (almost) certainly a configuration issue on my part, but could be
> considered too, a documentation bug--this is probably a pretty common use
> for dosemu; it could be easier to locate.
> Any help you can supply will be greatly appreciated.  Help me out here, I
> might be interested in helping clean up the documentation.
> --Jeff Beardsley <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I had the same problem, including with the deb version. I eventually
solved it by getting the tarball from the dosemu site and installing it
in /usr/local (instead of $HOME, as recommended in the docs). Since
/usr/local is owned by root I can now access dosemu via sudo, and
everything works as it should (including booting from the DOS partition
on the hard disk).

Of course, this is a Debian list and I don't know if Red Hat has
/usr/local, but any directory owned by root should work.


Anthony Campbell - running Debian GNU/Linux (Windows-free zone).
For electronic books (Homeomythology and The Assassins of Alamut), skeptical 
essays, and over 130 book reviews, go to http://www.acampbell.org.uk/

What the world will be like a century hence, was never so impossible to
foresee. Like a gigantic snowball, larger and larger, faster and faster,
science hurtles with us all into the unknown.       [F.L. Lucas - 1955]

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