> | Amazing!  Someone on /. proposed writing a script that whenever
> | anyone hits your web server with XXXX, you automatically connect
> | back and halt the attacking machine, thus stopping the spread.
> I would ike to see something like this <grin>.  I was thinking of
> putting a CGI script as /default.ida on my apache server and doing
> some funny stuff with it -- maybe combine the previous auto-alert
> stuff to notify the system it is hosed.  Now if windoze had 'mail' and
> an MTA this shell access could allow one to mail the admin (as "root"
> of course) right after the probe.  Does anyone know how to kill a
> process (ie the worm or IIS) or shutdown a windows system from the
> command line?

Ooh! Ooh!
And I never thought this would be of any use whatsoever. :)
Ok, in Win95 at least, this works (pretty sure this is right):

    rundll32 user32.dll,ExitWindows

Mike McGuire

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