----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

there's more though. but again i'm not sure.. for the first time i've seen a
few odd requests being logged in boa, just a small snippet:

[07/Aug/2001:06:26:03 +0000] request from "GET
1%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0"
 ("/var/www/default.ida"): document open: No such file or directory
 [07/Aug/2001:07:13:08 +0000] bogus HTTP version: " HTTP/1.0"
[07/Aug/2001:07:43:15 +0000] bogus HTTP version: " HTTP/1.0"
[07/Aug/2001:07:59:05 +0000] malformed request:
%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.1"
[07/Aug/2001:08:17:28 +0000] request from "GET
1%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0"
 ("/var/www/default.ida"): document open: No such file or directory
 [07/Aug/2001:08:31:51 +0000] bogus HTTP version: " HTTP/1.0"
[07/Aug/2001:08:57:30 +0000] bogus HTTP version: " HTTP/1.0"
[07/Aug/2001:09:08:55 +0000] bogus HTTP version: " HTTP/1.0"
[07/Aug/2001:09:13:38 +0000] bogus HTTP version: " HTTP/1.0"
[07/Aug/2001:09:20:26 +0000] bogus HTTP version: " HTTP/1.0"
[07/Aug/2001:09:29:23 +0000] bogus HTTP version: " HTTP/1.0"

this all seems rather coincedential.. and seems to confirm my idea of being
infected with a virus/worm.. hope this helps (me, heh.. :)

On Tuesday 07 August 2001 18:40, William Leese wrote:
> I think my machine has been compromised though i'm not entirely sure.
> I suddenly saw a reasonable amount of traffic when I wasn't going anything
> that could generate it so I turned off all the net connection using
> applications and still there was traffic.
> Opened top to see if there was a process that wasn't terminated yet, nope..
> that wasn't it.
> Turned off networking.
> Tried netstat -ap and found to my great dismay that inetd had started the
> ftp service or atleast that port was available. I accidentally installed
> wu-ftp awhile ago but i thought i had removed it.. oh well. So, commented
> it out and restarted inetd.
> no luck.. the moment i started the networking script there was traffic.
> Turned off networking. But not before using Ethereal to capture a few
> packets.
> I've added an attachment with the log, could someone take a look at it and
> tell me what could be causing this.. it would seem like something (a worm
> or virus) is scanning the network looking for (vulnerable?) computers.


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