On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 03:59:12PM +0100, P Kirk wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know this is the wrong forum but its actually where I'm most likely to
> get the correct answer.
> Mozilla is really good now.  The only real annoyance is the keyboard
> mappings which are different from those in ie.  The particular mapping
> that I really miss is Backspace to go back and Shift+Backspace to go
> forward.  Needing 2 hands for Alt+LeftArrow means I can't browse while
> on the phone :-(
> Does anyone know if this mapping can be put into Moz?

Sorry, don't know about changing Moz, but I certainly can use alt+left and
alt+right with one hand the farthest apart I've seen those two keys is about
five inches.  I'm pretty sure most everyone can reach that far with one hand.

You can ask on the mozilla lists too.


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