Am 07. Aug, 2001 schwäzte Brian McGroarty so:

> Is there a standard name for an initrd symlink that'll be used in
> 2.4-series kernel image packages?
> i.e. vmlinuz->/boot/(current vmlinuz)
>      vmlinuz.old->/boot/(last vmlinuz)
>      ???->/boot/(current initrd)
>      ???.old->/boot/(last initrd)

I use:

/boot/initrd -> /boot/initrd-current-version
/boot/initrd.old -> /boot/initrd-old-version

In lilo I use the initrd directive in the Linux and LinuxOLD stanzas to
point at the appropriate soft link. I've only gotten two levels on one box,
but it handled it correctly. Single levels on a couple of other boxen were
handled properly.

I'm told kernel-image-2.4.7 now creates the soft links and updates
lilo.conf, but haven't confirmed that.


# ... make it clear I support "Free Software" and not "Open Source",
# and don't imply I agree that there is such a thing as a
# "Linux operating system". - rms

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